Click here to see me accompanying a Unicef delegation to the then President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano.

Click here to see me interpreting for Nobel Price laureate Betty Williams at a Unicef meeting in Florence April 2011.
Voice sample
If you wish to listen to my performance during the G8 meeting (G8 Ambiente 2009) please have a look at this YouTube press conference video.
Happy Clients
It was great to meet you and to work with you. I was very impressed with your work and so were all Latvians. But I think that it was a success of all of us - interpreters and presenters - working as a good team. Especially you and the whole Italian delegation really know how to organize work so that the people perform best and remain happy and relaxed.
I simply wanted to once more thank you for your assistance, both during the conference in Rome and the working group visit in Copenhagen. It was a pleasure both professionally and socially and your high quality translation was key to a successful working group in Copenhagen.
Luciana is an outstanding interpreter, as evidenced by the professional way in which she was able to translate effortlessly from English to Italian and vice versa at a recent event in London with a prominent retail company. I would recommend Luciana highly to any discerning client as she is simply the best interpreter that I have used over the past 10 years. I will be definitely booking Luciana again when the next occasion arises.
Buongiorno dott.ssa Scrofani, naturalmente non posso che esprimerle la nostra soddisfazione in merito al servizio da Lei prestatoci, per il risultato, per la disponibilità e assistenza ricevuta, nonché per il puntuale rispetto della tempistica. La ringrazio nuovamente e le auguro un buon lavoro.
Luciana The translation was perfect - thank you.
Buongiorno Luciana, La ringrazio per la disponibilita' e velocita'.
Grazie a Luciana Scrofani, che è riuscita a risolvere tutti i dettagli e a dipanare la matassa con il comitato organizzatore “ The Societies of Photographers”. Praticamente ha organizzato lei la traduzione e tutta la logistica e per questo la ringrazio enormemente. Luciana, grazie. Tutto perfetto.
Dear Luciana Sincere thanks for your amazing work and commitment these past 2 days - it'll go down in history as a record in short-notice all-mode interpreting! I've the feeling that you contributed greatly to getting the company negotiations unstuck.
It has been a great pleasure to work with you and your team of very professional and experienced interpreters. The quality of the services provided was certainly very high, not to mention the kindness and professionalism of all the team, for which I would like to thank you once more.
The services were carried out with great professionalism, precision and efficiency, in full conformity with the contractual specifications.
Super fast, effective and efficient service. Thank you.
We have much appreciated the quality of the service, both for the linguistic aspect of the translation, and for the unfailing promptness of the response to our scheduling needs. We are very satisfied with your courtesy and care.
Carissima Luciana, Grazie per la mail e soprattutto grazie per l'eccellente lavoro svolto. La tua opera è stata da tutti molto apprezzata anche perché svolta in condizioni non propriamente agevoli 🙂 Certamente faremo ancora ricorso a te nelle prossime occasioni. Ti ringrazio ancora. Un abbraccio
Luciana did a brilliant job for a difficult witness who kept interrupting and adding things during the interpretation!
Dear Luciana, Thanks for your email and the great job you did during the Rexam meeting!! Have a nice day,
From the moment Luciana picked up the phone I knew I would be in safe hands, and she didn't disappoint. Luciana was very clear about her timeframe in which she could deliver the work back to me. Not only was everything done to a high standard, it was before her own set deadline. I experienced Luciana to be very professional, warm and sincere, I recommend her highly. A real pleasure to work with!
Non posso che confermare che nel corso della mia attività professionale non ho mai avuto modo di apprezzare una prestazione di traduzione simultanea come la sua , fluida, assolutamente appropriata anche nel rendere concetti e sfumature non di uso comune , un traguardo di eccellenza che può essere raggiunto solo attraverso una grande esperienza, puntuali conoscenze e con il bagaglio di un'ottima cultura generale di base , attenta ai temi di attualità e molto aggiornata. Né è da sottacere il modo di porgere .: elegante , preciso senza alcuna incertezza o pausa , ne serbo un ottimo ricordo ed ho partecipato queste mia considerazione nei suoi confronti agli organizzatori del meeting
Fantastic and professional service, l highly recommend, Fast quoting and exceptional turn around time.
Earlier this month I gave a talk to 100 or so Italian entrepreneurs at Carlton House in London: they had come over to understand more about UK business and the political climate (!!). For only about the ninth or tenth time I was speaking with an interpreter. The relationship between a speaker and their interpreter is vital - after all he or she is your voice to the audience and it's not just the words which matter, but the way in which they are said - especially with a language as expressive as Italian. Our interpreter was Luciana Scrofani Green. I was only due to speak at 11:00 but, Luciana would be interpreting for the other speaker before me so I arrived at 09:00 to give us 25 minutes in a wide ranging 'get to know each other' casual conversation. We focused on how best I should talk to give me the maximum opportunity to do her best job. It paid enormous dividends for both of us. It would have been poor for both of us had bilingual participants translated differently. I would recommend doing this for anyone who might be speaking with an interpreter on stage, or on line. They are as (maybe more) important than the speaker. It's not enough to just 'pitch up' and hope that the interpreter will be able to follow. So enormous thanks to Luciana.
Non posso che confermare che nel corso della mia attività professionale non ho mai avuto modo di apprezzare una prestazione di traduzione simultanea come la sua , fluida, assolutamente appropriata anche nel rendere concetti e sfumature non di uso comune , un traguardo di eccellenza che può essere raggiunto solo attraverso una grande esperienza, puntuali conoscenze e con il bagaglio di un'ottima cultura generale di base , attenta ai temi di attualità e molto aggiornata. Né è da sottacere il modo di porgere .: elegante , preciso senza alcuna incertezza o pausa , ne serbo un ottimo ricordo ed ho partecipato queste mia considerazione nei suoi confronti agli organizzatori del meeting
Last March, during the 2018 China-UK Global Education Summit, co-hosted by the China UK Development Centre and St. John’s College, Cambridge we had the chance to work with One Stop Language Solutions & Ms Luciana Scrofani Green. Ms Scrofani provided the translation and interpreting services we needed to ensure the most effective sharing of ideas between delegates from China and the UK. Ms. Scrofani was highly professional & reliable, working with us for the duration of the Summit & ensuring the success of the event. She has been accommodating & extremely kind. We recommend her for any kind of conference or international events.
Luciana, just writing now to say that the Consulate have certified the translation and so of course I am very happy with it! Thanks for your very prompt service. kind regards
Dear Luciana, Thank you for your e-mail and the information. We appreciated your assistance and will keep your services in mind in the future. Have a good summer.
Dear Luciana Today I presented my papers to the Italian Consulate in London and they congratulated me on the presentation of the documents and the Italian translations. I would be honoured to recommend you to anyone for your service.
Buongiorno Luciana, grazie per avermi contattata così velocemente e per la piacevole chiacchierata. Ho visitato il tuo sito internet e mi ha confermato la sensazione di professionalità che hai trasmesso a voce.
It was a relatively small job for which I needed Luciana’s translation services, but I was made to feel like the most important client. Always ready to answer my questions and keen to make sure I was 100% happy with her work. I was more than satisfied with Luciana’s service and can’t recommend her more. 5 stars! 🙂
Gentilissima Luciana, Il Suo servizio e' stato ottimo: veloce e preciso. E comunicare con Lei altrettanto. La ringrazio ancora una volta. Buona serata,
Thanks Luciana! That's absolutely perfect! You have been an complete life-saver! We greatly appreciate everything that you have done! We are so lucky to have found you : ) Many thanks again! With very best wishes,
Buongiorno Luciana, grazie mille per il grandioso servizio e la prontezza dell’invio del documento, appena ricevuto. Non esiterò a contattarla nel caso necessiti di altre traduzioni. Cordialmente,
Hi Luciana, Thank you for your great assistance. I can confirm that no changes are required and you can finalise and post those documents. If I need any further assistance I will definitely contact you. Kind regards
La ringrazio per la sua collaborazione rapida ed efficiente.
Dear Luciana, That was amazing! Bravo, Bravo, Bravo! Professional translation. MOLTE GRAZIE, GRADITO Best Regards
Dear Luciana, Grazie mille! It looks perfect and exactly what i was looking for. I will definitely keep you in mind if I even need other professional translations. Kind regards,
Hi Luciana I wanted to thank you so very much for helping convert my English to be interesting for the Italian audience to day at Carlton House terrace. It was a real pleasure working with you and I hope that you, like me, found that we worked well as a team. Your work is so crucial and I placed all my trust in your ability to understand what I was trying to say and position it in a way to convey both the literal and emotional meaning. I thank you enormously for this. I do hope that I was not too difficult to work with, despite my determination to try to make the session more entertaining! Again, thank you so very much. Without your patience my talk would have been nothing. Best regards
Hi Luciana I must compliment you on the service you gave me on my recent request that you supplied a translation of my marriage licence into Italian. Your service is made better by the fact that you out performed a local interpreter . Please put this message on your web site in order that potential clients can feel confident in your service. Good luck for the future.