Ways to obtain social media success
It is always important to keep your brand up to date, and elements of this include having a fresh, relevant website and a strong presence on social media. I am looking forward to updating my website over the next few months and I hope that you enjoy its new look and content.
I recently chatted with some newly qualified interpreter colleagues who confessed that they neither had Linked In accounts, nor websites. Social media for me has been a gradual learning curve, and in many ways I am fortunate as it is an area that has grown as my business has grown. For those entering the industry, newly qualified, it must appear quite a daunting prospect to set themselves up effectively and market themselves on these platforms.
I am always happy to share knowledge and guide new interpreters in this industry, and would be glad to talk about what I have learned and what works for me with those who are starting their careers. My new interpreter friends asked if I might run a course for them, but I think this might be taking it too far! I am, however, so grateful for all I learned from my mentors over the years, and am very keen to do the same for the next generation, so a (free!) conversation or guidance in social media for those starting out would be something I’d always be happy to offer.
Using social media for me has been a real journey and at times I admit I have struggled, but I thought this might be a good opportunity to share a few easy step by step instructions for those new to social media to enable them to gain the confidence to embrace it. I hope these are helpful.
1. Observe the platforms for a while, see what others post and how people comment.
2. Take the bull by the horns and post something. It doesn’t have to be an essay – it can just be a comment on something you’ve read, or a topic that you are thinking about – but the key is to make it relevant and interesting.
3. Read any responses and make sure you comment and connect with those who respond.
4. Find your tribe! Post, comment and connect with others as much as you wish. Make posts interesting and link to people who interest you or whose work is relevant to your own, so you have a definite audience! The more active you are on Linked In and other sites, the more visible you will be.
5. Some clients view Instagram and Linked In almost like a resumé, and they will expect to see your presence on these. It is almost suspicious if you cannot be found on them!
Along with activity on social media, I would also recommend creating your own website, buying a corporate email address, and owning your own domain – these actions all show that you’re serious about your business. It isn’t costly to set up a website and email, but it makes a valuable statement that you are a professional and you take your work seriously.
I am so looking forward to having my website refreshed with new content and navigation to help new and existing clients find out more about my offers, skills and experience quickly and easily.
It is great to keep current and relevant and show my most recent work at the forefront.