As an interpreter working with a broad range of clients, it is rare for any two days to be the same. I am a creative individual, and this perpetual change is one of the reasons that I really love my job! I wanted to give you an insight into what my “average” day entails. Perhaps you are thinking of becoming an interpreter, or perhaps you just have an interest in the industry. Either way, I am delighted to share what happens in my day with you…
06:00 My alarm goes off… and I press the snooze button! I admit this may continue once or twice again, but eventually I stir. I check my phone and then rise to make an espresso and complete my gratitude journal. My best friend at the start of each day is a book I highly recommend, called Five Minutes in the Morning. This superb publication gives me a chance to take a breath before the busy day commences. It offers a beautiful space to clear my head, along with creative exercises to encourage reflection and intention-setting before I head off to the office. I also like to check in on social media, especially perusing Linked In, Instagram and sometimes Twitter. For me, reading others’ posts can be inspiring and encourages me to focus on my professional aspirations. It also provides ways in which I can improve my working.
I tend to post inspiring and encouraging messages too every morning!
“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new tree” Amelia Earhart
08:00 I jump on a zoom call with a new client to receive a brief on an assignment. Meeting new clients is always interesting; I love collaborating to achieve the best outcome and holding a thorough fact-finding meeting in advance of interpreting enables this to happen. Every client works differently, and I thrive on this new engagement.
10.30 After a quick cappuccino, I put my head down and complete a complex translation of Italian property purchase documents. My customer requested a quick turnaround time for these documents, which is not uncommon with this sort of document, but fortunately I have translated such documents many times before and am very familiar with the format and legal terminology. For me it is not a hugely arduous task and I complete it and return it to the customer well within their requested time-frame.
13:00 I have an interesting, and important Zoom simultaneous interpretation to undertake this afternoon. Today it is an EWC extraordinary meeting organised to appoint a member of the Steering Committee and a vice chairman to replace two members who have resigned. The client is a Swiss multinational food and processing conglomerate corporation, with headquarters in Switzerland. I spend an hour preparing for the call, making sure I have re-read all the background documents, am familiar with the names and positions of the people on the call and understand the purpose of the meeting. Being prepared and undertaking your research really is key to success as an interpreter, and, as such, I take preparation very seriously! The call goes well and the client is very satisfied with the outcome; a job well done!.
16:00 Zoom assignment is over, and it has been a busy day, so I take a little time to check in with my husband and family on the phone and head out of the office for some fresh air on a brisk walk, along with a very overdue espresso! I have lived and worked in London for many years but am still struck by the history and beauty etched in the city, and I find the time away from my screen is rejuvenating, restoring my energy for the rest of the day (or perhaps that was just the espresso!).
17:00 Time for a short boxing session – my favourite kind of workout – with my personal trainer. A training session after I’ve had a productive day in the office really works well for my psyche, although I know it’s not for everyone. (I love Aqua and Yoga too)
18:30 After clearing my emails, setting up calls for later in the week and finishing certifying a birth certificate I am ready to leave the office.
Today I have a networking event in Piccadilly with the UK Confederation by Confassociazioni, and these events are always a joy to attend. Meeting with fellow Italians guarantees a lively and spirited occasion and the energy and joy is contagious! I gain new connections on Linked In which I will follow up later in the week, and am also glad to reconnect with the many Italian colleagues and acquaintances I have made over the years.
20:30 A long day! I’m on the train home and start a conversation with a gentleman sitting opposite me who notices my badge for the networking event and by chance is also Italian! I’m never afraid to talk to people here, there, and everywhere, and as two Italians in London, we exchange QR codes for my Linked In profiles. Who knows when our businesses might overlap?
21:00 I arrive home and enjoy dining with my family around the table with a delicious meal and a glass of Barolo. We share stories from our day and enjoy a lively conversation and sometimes a bit of a debate! Spending quality time with those who are so important to me is a joy.
23.00 A late night, but there’s still time to quickly check my schedule for tomorrow, make sure there are no last-minute emergencies, and then listen to my Calm app for some relaxation and to mentally switch-off, before starting it all again tomorrow.