I wanted to share an interesting and honest blog I read this week by Giovanna Lester.
Remote meetings have been a way of life for the last few months, and I’ve spoken extensively about the role of RSI in navigating through that 🖥
In all industries, some of the most difficult conversations come from talk of budgets and rates.
As Giovanna rightly points out, with the move to RSI assignments, conference interpreters now face the challenge of dealing with clients who do not understand why they still have to pay the same or higher rates for this service than for in-person events.
For interpreters and for potential clients, this is well worth a read.
Do you agree in equal fees for RSI and in-person interpreting? 🤔
Read it here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/another-paradigm-shift-interpreting-giovanna-lester/?trackingId=%2B4QvWRf627AC7mCUesRIzQ%3D%3D